15 Stress Relief Gift Basket Ideas for Mental Health


Is there someone in your life who is under a large amount of stress? A stress-relief gift basket is perfect for letting them know you care about them.

Stress will always be something we all need to deal with from time to time. If you have a friend or loved one who is under a lot of stress, it is natural to want to help them in any way you can. Sending them thoughtful gift baskets designed to help them relax and rejuvenate could be what they need to prioritize self-care.

There are many fantastic choices to include in a gift basket to help your loved one destress and boost their mood. Here are the 15 best stress relief gift basket ideas:

Bath Bombs

A bath can be a perfect way to unwind after a stressful day. Bath bombs can turn a plain bath into a multi-sensory soak. Go for scents that are known to be relaxing, like lavender, bergamot or lemongrass. Be sure to choose bombs with nourishing and moisturizing ingredients, and your loved one will be thankful for the luxurious experience.

Shower Steamers

Aromatherapy in the shower is a great way to unwind after a long or stressful day. Like a bath bomb, a shower steamer can be made with calming scents. You put it in the corner of your shower, and the water and steam activate it.

Scalp Massager

The scalp massage is the best part of washing your hair at the salon. A shampoo brush is the next best thing and is much cheaper than a hairdresser trip. A good head massage will provide deep relaxation, increase blood flow, and relax tense muscles.

Facial Masks

A face mask is one of the most indulgent steps in a skincare routine. But aside from the benefits for your skin, it also forces you to take some well-deserved time out. A calming face mask is a great way to pamper yourself and rejuvenate.

Body Lotions

A body lotion made with lavender, lemon or orange will provide a calming, subtle scent. It makes a wonderful addition to the best gift baskets. As a bonus, applying a cream is a form of self-massage, which will relieve stress and muscle tension.

Weighted Eye Masks

An eye pillow sits overtop of closed eyes. It is filled with seeds to provide just the right amount of weight to relieve a tension headache. They often come scented with a relaxing aroma, such as lavender.

Aromatherapy Kits

Aromatherapy can help bring a sense of calm after a hectic day. It is an easy way to layer stress-relief tools, as a diffuser can run in the room while you use other relaxation methods at the same time.

Cozy Throw Blankets

A soft, cozy blanket can make you feel like you’re getting a big, gentle hug. A breathable, soft blanket is an excellent addition to any stress-relief gift basket.

Weighted Blankets

The gentle pressure a weighted blanket provides stimulates deep pressure touch, which helps to relieve stress and calms the nervous system. These blankets can also improve sleep quality, which will help with overall stress levels.

Tea Selection

Enjoying a cup of tea is a lovely, relaxing activity. Countless lovely flavours and varieties are available, and many herbal teas have calming properties. Drinking black tea is even known to lower the production of stress hormones like cortisol.

Heating Pads

Nothing beats soothing heat to melt away the stiffness that builds up in your muscles over a stressful day. Heat eases anxiety and stress, especially around the shoulders, where many of us hold on to tension.

Stress Balls

Squeezing and manipulating a stress ball is a great way to re-centre yourself or relieve anxiety in a stressful moment. A stress ball or other fidget toy distracts you from your thoughts and brings you into the present moment.

Journal and Pens

For many people, journaling is a fantastic way to work through stress. Recording our thoughts and feelings can help us to understand them more clearly. By writing down your worries, you can explore and release emotions.

Adult Colouring Books

Colouring books are a great mindfulness activity, even for grown-ups! There are many great options, from zentangles to mandalas to celebrity crushes. There is something to appeal to everyone, and colouring is a great way to soothe an overworked brain.

Worry Stones

A worry stone is a smooth, polished stone with a thumb-sized indentation. Carry it in your pocket, and when you feel stressed out, you rub a thumb along it. The back-and-forth action can help to relieve stress.

Soundmaker Machines

Listening to soothing sounds can help calm a racing mind. Waves at the beach, a thunderstorm, or birds chirping at sunrise are relaxing and pleasant to listen to. A sound machine is a perfect way to make various sounds available whenever you need them.


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