The 5 Different Types of Hearing Loss You Should Be Aware Of


Hearing loss is more common than many people realize. There are numerous misconceptions about the same, one being that it affects the elderly. However, this is not true as hearing loss can affect anyone at anytime in their life. You may think that you or your loved one has a hearing issue and you might be true. It’s always advisable to seek the help of a hearing health care provider who will answer your questions and shed more light on the specific situation by giving you a hearing aid Calgary. Below are some of the four types of hearing loss that you should be aware of.

1. Auditory Processing Disorders

The auditory processing disorders occur when the brain has problems processing the information contained in the sound. This includes understanding the speech and working out where the sound is coming from. This condition normally affects over 5% of school-aged children. It is however important to note that with the proper therapy, the condition can actually be corrected when diagnosed early.

2. Conductive Hearing Loss

This type of hearing loss occurs when there is an issue with the middle or outer ear which interferes with the passing of sound to the inner ear. This can be caused by factors such as ear infection, punctured eardrum, abnormal bone growth in the middle ear, fluid build-up and too much earwax. This condition can however be corrected by certain types of hearing technologies and surgery.

3. Sensorineural Hearing Loss

This is the severest type of hearing loss as its almost always permanent. It occurs when the hearing organ, commonly referred to as the Cochlea and the auditory nerve is malfunctioned or damaged hence unable to accurately send the electrical information to the brain. This condition is normally genetic, exposure to loud noises or as a result of the natural ageing process. Some technologies such as hearing aids, hybrid cochlear implants and chochlear implants can help reduce the effects of the condition.

4. Mixed Hearing Loss

This condition occurs when both the sensorineural and conductive hearing losses are present. The sensorineural condition is normally permanent while the conductive part can either be permanent or temporary depending on the severity. A perfect example is when a hearing loss occurs when an individual with presbycusis also has an ear infection.


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